Letter: Think social care first

Prof Vic Rayner

On the 30 September the last remaining dedicated funding for social care to deal with Covid will come to an end. Yet the requirements it is intended to fund relating to testing, staff sick pay, restricting staff movement, infection prevention control, visiting and vaccination remain unchanged.

On top of this, the sands that hold up the delivery of social care are shifting at speed. The workforce crisis is escalating at a rate of knots. Yet all the talk of reform does nothing to address these immediate concerns.

I don’t believe for one moment that the general public care more about whether they have a turkey on their table at Christmas than ensuring someone needing care and support gets consistent high quality care to enable them to live an independent life as part of their community.

The political will to find a solution for the poultry industry, for the HGV sector, for the fuel pumps must extend to solutions for people who need care and support. The government must take action and the public must hold them to account.

Vic Rayner, National Care Forum chief executive