Health Assured offers free mental health services to NHS workers

Wellbeing provider Health Assured is offering NHS staff free access to its digital mental health services.

Its My Healthy Advantage app provides features across four categories – user wellbeing, user engagement, wellness, and reward and recognition.

My Healthy Advantage app

It is designed to improve mental and physical health and financial and social wellbeing.

Users will have access to a mood tracker; mini health checks for body mass index, waist measurements, sleeping patterns, alcohol, mental health and fatigue; four-week plans aimed at improving employee health by focusing on areas like quitting smoking, losing weight and coping with pressure, and more.

Health Assured supports more than 50 NHS trusts and covers over 13 million people from organisations in the private, public and non-profit sectors, individual users, employees and their family.

‘During this stressful and uncertain time, NHS staff are facing enormous challenges while also managing their mental health, maintaining a work-life balance as well as family and health concerns,’ said David Price, Health Assured CEO.

‘We aim to enable each individual to take control of their health and wellbeing on their terms. We want to do all we can to support our NHS heroes through these difficult times, and we hope access to our cutting-edge app will provide some essential help.’