Will Bax joins Retirement Villages Group as chief executive

Will Bax chief executive of Retirement Villages Group Ltd

Will Bax has been appointed as chief executive of Retirement Villages Group Ltd following the departure of previous CEO Andrew Ovey, who will continue as a director at the group.

Bax is a trustee of The Old Royal Naval College and has served as executive director at Grosvenor Group, chair of the Mayfair Forum and a board member of the New West End Company, the business improvement district for London’s West End.

Commenting on his appointment, Bax said: ‘Building communities that support older people in their own homes can make a massive difference to the growing population of over 75s – reducing isolation, promoting an active lifestyle and helping with daily chores, not to mention the family housing it releases and the reduction in care costs. But the UK remains woefully undersupplied – the retirement village sector is a huge opportunity and I am delighted to lead RVG on the next stage of its growth.’

Retirement Villages has 16 sites across the UK.