Monday, April 29, 2024

Leicester to consult over support change

A consultation to reconfigure the way in which non-residential care support services are provided and charged for has been launched by Leicester city council. Pitched as part of the national move toward giving people more choice and control over the services they use, the three month exercise is in fact a prelude to raising charges and will gather feedback on proposals likely to result in the introduction of new charges and removal of existing total fee caps.

Direct Payments market to hit £2bn

Community Care Market News (News) December 2003 Parliamentary under secretary of state for community care, Dr Stephen Ladyman has challenged the home...

Delegation of charging powers

Community Care Market News (News) February 2004 The Department of Health (DoH) is to consult on how councils with social services responsibilities...

Care bill would leave Councils open to legal disputes

The Joint Committee on the Draft Care & Support Bill has warned that in its current form the proposed legislation would leave local authorities open to disputes and legal challenges. In its scrutiny report on the Bill, the Committee warned that without greater integration with health and housing, and a focus on prevention and early intervention, the care and support system will be unsustainable.

Somerset considers LD outsourcing project

Provision for people with learning disabilities in Somerset may be outsourced to the private sector following a cabinet decision earlier this month that this would be one of three options it would be willing to consider.

Integration in practice – how to transfer £230m of services

Following the transfer of adult social care services from Staffordshire county council to the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent NHS Partnership (CCMn May 2012), Chris Plumley, head of public sector at Anthony Collins Solicitors takes CCMn behind the scenes of the deal.

Call for end to inconsistency on standards

Community Care Market News (News) May 1998 The Better Regulation Task Force, an independent advisory body set up by the Chancellor of...