Saturday, May 18, 2024

MH services must improve – CQC The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has warned mental...

A further 23% had not been informed who was in charge of their care and 26% had not had a formal meeting to discuss their care in the last year.The findings show that 32% of respondents did not know who to contact out-of-hours in a crisis and that 20% who had contacted out- of-hours teams did not receive the help they needed.

Diabetes increases dementia risk

Having diabetes can increase the risk of developing dementia by 50%, according to a new report commissioned by Alzheimer’sDisease International (ADI).

Councils defy care leavers guidance

More than half of England’s councils are placing care leavers in bed and breakfasts for long periods of time despite government guidance stating this...

DOL applications rise for the fourth year

The latest figures from the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) show that the number of completed deprivation of liberty (DoL) applications have...

Call for more end-of-life choice

A campaign has been launched to cut the number of people dying in hospital by 50,000 each year. Help the Hospices is calling on the government to back its campaign to offer people increased choice about where they die - something it says could save the NHS £80m per year.

Children in council care increase by 12% in four years

The number of children in council care in England has increased by 12% in the past four years, according to the Audit Commission.

Foster care guidance launched

New guidance published by the Children’s Partnership shows how those working in foster care and with looked after children can best support new Staying Put arrangements that allow children in foster care to remain in their placements until age 21.

News in Brief

The Department of Health has awarded £1.6m to 11 projects as part of the Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund. The grants will help organisations support people with autism, chronic or long-term conditions, mental health issues and obesity in children. The Amateur Swimming Association is to use the funding to provide low intensity exercise, relaxation sessions and Swimfit for people with dementia and their carers.

GPs tell of issues with MH care services

A survey of GPs views has revealed one in five doctors has experienced a patient coming to harm due to delays or a lack of response from community mental health or crisis services.

Dementia diagnosis numbers increase

The number of people diagnosed with dementia has risen to 344,000 patients in 2013/14 – an increase of 62% over seven years.