Monday, May 6, 2024

Overseas potential

While some central London hospitals have been reporting a slowdown in their income from international patients, NHS PPUs have seen significant growth. Ann McGauran...

Everyone’s a winner at LaingBuisson’s Awards

Despite seemingly being every party’s favourite political football, the great and the good of UK independent healthcare were in attendance on 8 October as LaingBuisson hosted its eighth Independent Healthcare Awards.

After the fall

Ann McGuaran looks at what lies ahead for independent healthcare providers wanting to deliver large scale NHS community services after the collapse of Cambs...

The big freeze

Whatever analysis you choose to look at, the NHS is missing key targets on waiting times for cancer, A&E and elective surgery. As trusts...

Trust me – I’m a doctor in your pocket

Can GP apps cure the ills of the doctor’s waiting room or are they little more than a complementary medicine?

The ratings game

A handful of 'inadequate' CQC ratings have sent shockwaves through the independent hospital sector. The numbers may be small but in a market where...

Naming the best in independent healthcare

Last month saw Laing & Buisson host its seventh annual awards event, HMn was there to congratulate the winners.

HM meets David Hare

Almost a decade ago eleven independent sector providers working in a fledgling NHS market formed the NHS Partners Network (NHSPN). Maria Davies learns what's...

Power to the people

Putting people before profit is one of the commandments for businesses operating in the healthcare sector says Octopus Healthcare CEO Mike Adams. MedicX Fund’s...