The Independent Healthcare Providers Network (IHPN) has said membership of its Commercial Associate programme has more than doubled in size over the past 12 months to 35.
Established in 2020, IHPN’s Commercial Associate programme is aimed at organisations delivering goods and services to the sector, providing insight and networking opportunities.
IHPN said the increase in numbers reflected the rising trend of organisations looking to support the independent healthcare sector and understand the key role it plays in the wider UK healthcare landscape.
IHPN director of policy David Furness said: ‘A really wide variety of organisations have joined our Commercial Associate programme ranging from advisory firms, medical protection, devices manufacturers and more. What they all have in common is that they are looking to understand a rapidly changing market and develop their businesses in independent healthcare – IHPN helps them to do that.’
With the current political climate in the UK, David Furness said the programme will continue to add value as it enters its fourth year.
‘Understanding key market trends and getting under the hood of political discussions will be vital to these businesses as we head to a general election this year so we expect more businesses will likely engage with IHPN and its members across the 2024/25 financial year,’ he added.