The London Centre for Cosmetic Dentistry has become the first UK dental practice to provide patients with access to the WelcoMe app, which enables patients with a disability to plan personalised assistance when visiting the practice.
The cloud-based service allows patients to build and share an accessibility profile and inform the practice of their specific needs. Once on their way, the practice can track the users’ whereabouts and be ready to welcome and assist as needed.
Supported by charities such as Deafblind UK and the RNIB, the app provides businesses with real time training and guidance on how to interact with customers related to their needs, while disabled visitors are given key accessibility and assistance information.
Dr Mervyn Druian of the London Centre for Cosmetic Dentistry said: ‘We are very proud to be teaming up with WelcoMe, not only does it put disabled people in the driving seat of their visit, the app is also a fantastic staff training tool on disability awareness. We greatly care about and value our patients, if as a result of WelcoMe our team has better knowledge and training, it makes our patient service even more inclusive, before the person steps through the door. Visiting a dentist can be a daunting experience for all, but we hope this app goes some way to making our disabled patients’ visit as positive and comfortable as possible.’