Promoting inbound medical travel to Greece

The Greek government’s investment and trade promotion agency, Enterprise Greece and Greek Health Tourism Council (ELITOUR) have agreed to promote medical tourism to Greece. The cooperation aims to both increase direct revenue from medical tourism to the country, and attract foreign investment in the health sector, improving services both for Greeks and for visitors, and stemming emigration of doctors and nurses.

Greece is seeking to target the European market as well as visitors from North Africa and the Middle East. ELITOUR will be the national liaison partner in the networking between Greek and foreign organisations and enterprises wishing to pursue joint business projects in medical tourism.

Bilateral agreements with the Ministries of Health and Tourism between Greece and Cyprus and other Middle East countries will also facilitate connections with foreign stakeholders. A series of webinars and educational programmes are scheduled for foreign investors seeking potential partnerships.

The Greek Tourism Ministry and sector professionals are working to restore tourism to pre-Covid-19 levels in 2022. The ministry hopes to extend the tourism season, distribute visitors to lesser-known destinations, attract higher-quality tourists, and attract tourism investments.

€320 million in recovery funding will be channelled into dozens of projects in Greece, including the creation of destination management entities, plus promoting health and wellness tourism.