Friday, May 17, 2024

Desperate measures…. charitable fundraising for treatment abroad

One area of medical tourism that is seldom explored is charitable fundraising for treatment abroad by families who act in desperation to seek treatment...

The challenge for cosmetic surgery clinics abroad

Promoting cosmetic surgery abroad can be challenging. Keith Pollard outlines why it is crucial that clinics know what's going on in their target markets. Any...

Correction… The medical tourism industry is nine times smaller than we thought!

Is the medical tourism market really worth $439 billion dollars? Keith Pollard revisits the claims from the Medical Tourism Association (MTA) and sets the...

Declining interest in medical tourism?

After claims of medical tourism being a billion dollar market, Keith Pollard digs deep to offer an honest answer on what the medical tourism...

Global medical tourism industry value – $439 billion!

Fact or fiction? The latest claims published by the US based Medical Tourism Association (MTA). Does their latest claim hold any truth? Just how...

The IMTJ view on Brexit and medical tourism

In the past week, I have been asked by numerous colleagues and contacts outside of the UK... about Brexit. The vast majority are stunned...

Is history repeating itself in the Cayman Islands?

With the US$2 billion Health City Cayman Islands project well underway, Keith Pollard puts it under the spotlight to see if the mistakes from...

Florida medical tourism – same myths, same mistakes?

With plans in place to establish Florida as a medical tourism destination,  Keith Pollard takes a closer look at the 'Medical Tourism in Florida'...

When governments fund medical tourism…the rewards are significant

The medical tourism market is focused on attracting paying international patients, but in fact much of the revenue in the international patient market comes...

Global Healthcare Travel Council strengthens its team

The Global Healthcare Travel Council (GHTC) has announced several appointments to strengthen its team, and take a more influential role in the medical tourism...